Workplace Harassment
Is your manager calling you names, belittling you, undermining you, insulting you or engaging an any other unwelcome conduct? Or perhaps the unwelcome behaviour is coming from a coworker or subordinate. Maybe it is sexual harassment. Have you heard racial comments or other discriminatory comments directed at you or others? Our trusted employment lawyers will advocate for you, help you stop these comments and get you compensation for this harassment. Learn your options and empower yourself.
Conversely, perhaps you have been the subject of a false harassment complaint. It is important for you to know your rights – whether it’s participating in an investigation, negotiating an exit package or defending a lawsuit and your reputation.
- Learn what constitutes harassment
- Stop the harassment
- Learn how to gather evidence of the harassment
- Understand the avenues you can pursue in court, at the Human Rights Tribunal or in an Occupational Health and Safety complaint
- Know what compensation you are entitled to
- Learn what might happen to the harasser